EU Whistleblowing Channel Requirements

Dejan Jasnič (written in English, machine translated)

What Are the Requirements for a Whistleblowing Channel?

Besides providing clear and easily accessible information relating to the use of internal whistleblowing channels, the EU Whistleblowing Directive mandates that organizations provide such information also regarding the procedures for reporting externally to competent authorities. It outlines the requirements that a channel must meet in order for the entity to be compliant with the law. 

The whistleblowing channel needs to be


  1. identified,
  2. implemented,
  3. communicated and
  4. maintained.


The available reporting channels need to be visible and accessible, so that whistleblowers can easily find and use them. Therefore, identification of the appropriate type of whistleblowing channel depends on the individual circumstances of an organization. While a web-based online reporting channel may be appropriate for an IT company, where the majority of employees work behind desktops every day, it may not be the best option for a manufacturing company with most of the staff working in a factory, or for an NGO working in non-developed regions. Communicating the available reporting channels should follow the same approach.


The best practice is not to rely on one type of reporting channel, but to open as many as possible, allowing whistleblowers to choose which one they feel most comfortable using. This is one of many reasons that we offer Trusty as a free solution for entities with less than 250 employees. 


At Trusty, we know that meeting these requirements sounds more complicated than it actually is. The more complex the topic sounds, the more our competitors can charge for their whistleblowing solution. At Trusty, we developed a low-cost method for complying with the EU Whistleblowing Directive. 



Contact us to learn more about our free and instant whistleblowing channel. If you are already paying for a whistleblowing platform, we can help you switch! Trusty is instant, secure and headache free.